Glowing Skin Care Tips From Makeup Artist Lisa Eldridge

lisa eldridge makeup

The cold months and dreary days that are quickly approaching may not only take a toll on your mood but it can also affect your appearance – especially your skin. Lisa Eldridge, an acclaimed British makeup artist who has worked with celebrities like Madonna, Kate Winslet, Jessica Biel, Natalie Portman and many other Hollywood A-listers shares how to look and feel beautiful when it may not be so pretty outdoors with a bomb glowing skin care routine.

Lisa+Eldridge+Makeup+Artist+for+the+Celebs+and+YouTube+Makeup+GuruLook Good – Feel Good

Many beauty experts always say, the best way to feel good is to look good. Looking good is not only a huge confidence booster, it’s also uplifting for those of us who tend to get that little something called seasonal depression. Cold temperatures can leave skin dry and flaky. To get it glowing again, Lisa has got skin care down to a tee. She recommends trying out Dr Hauschka Rose Day Cream. It’s nurturing rose petal extracts, wheat germ, avocado and sesame oils leave the skin is nourished with moisture trapped in to protect from harsh winds outside and dry heat indoors.

SkinCeuticals – Redness Neutralizer

If your skin care issue is chapped, red skin, Lisa suggests SkinCeuticals – Redness Neutralizer. This product controls the skins reaction to changes in temperature. If you have roascea, your skin won’t go into panic mode just because it may be a few degress colder outside.

More About Lisa Eldridge

For more of Lisa’s expert tips and tricks check out her blog at: //
To Really Get Glowing Skin…

Skindinavia Makeup Finishing Spray

We suggest starting your skin care by combining a tiny amount of baby oil in with your foundation. It will prevent the skin from drying out and give off a healthy, natural shine while also give your makeup a matte finish. Skindinavia makeup finishing spray will take your look to a whole new level after your makeup is applied. It’s perfect for the winter months because it adds a dewy finish which makes skin appear healthy, rather than oily. Besides that it will keep your makeup on for up to 16+ hours. For more information visit