Get Miranda Kerr’s Sun-Kissed Glow

Summer has officially arrived and while I can’t believe how fast it snuck up on us, I’m not about to complain! If you’re like me, you probably are not completely warm weather ready. I, for one, am wishing I would have stuck to that New Year’s Resolution of working out every day of the week, but hey what can you do?  One way to get bikini ready is to get a gorgeous celeb-worthy sunless tan like the beautiful Miranda Kerr.

You should plan to tan at least 2 days before a big event, so you can increase the color or fix any mistakes, Locke says. The worst thing that could happen is tanning the morning of, and realizing you are blotchy or orange right before you walk out the door.

It’s best to shave or wax 24 hours before you tan to avoid irritation. Exfoliating your entire body with a loofah will guarantee an even tan. After you tan, you should also avoid shaving or exfoliating for another day to make sure you don’t take off any color.

• You can wear gloves or use a tanning mitt to avoid getting color on your hands. Don’t have gloves? Apply Vaseline to your nails, at least, to protect them from discoloration.

• Take off all your clothes and jewelry, and lay out a few old towels to catch any drips or residue.

• Don’t forget to moisturize with lotion prior to tanning (especially around your elbows, wrists, knees and ankles) to make sure your skin is hydrated and prepped.


The easiest way to tan yourself is to use a spray because you can apply it to hard to reach places like your back area. Spray tan the air directly behind you in a circular motion and immediately walk backwards into the mist. Repeat the process until you get the color you want and rub it in once you’ve sprayed it to avoid streaks.


If you decide to use a tanning lotion, start with your feet and legs, and make your way upward. Use long, smooth strokes and make sure to blend well. Take your time when applying self-tanning lotion -rushing through it will definitely give you streaks.  It’s very easy to accidentally over-apply, so start with a small amount and then you can gradually build from there. A tanning lotion that is colored, rather than clear, is helpful to see where you’re applying, so you don’t miss an area and create a streaky look.


Mousse will dry pretty quickly, so be careful not to apply it in the same area more than once. It’s a good idea to wear gloves when you’re using a mousse tanner, since you won’t have time to wash your hands in between strokes.

How to tan your face:

The face is usually the hardest area to apply self-tanner to. Here are some tips to make sure your face looks natural and evenly tan:

1. Pull your hair back into a ponytail, and then apply eye cream to the area beneath your eyes to avoid darkening the area.

2. Combine equal parts of your self-tanner with your facial moisturizer, and mix it well in your hand.

3. When applying the tanner, avoid slathering it on in one big application. Instead, start on the apples of your cheeks and blend up toward the outer corner of your eyes in a circular motion. Then blend it into the rest of your face and don’t forget your ears.

4. Once the color develops, follow up with bronzer. Apply it where the sun would hit you, like on your cheeks, nose, chin and forehead.

When you’re done, wash your hands well with soap. Allow your skin to dry for 15 to 20 minutes before dressing, and don’t wear white clothing for the rest of the day. Lastly, don’t exercise or go swimming for the rest of the day. Excessive sweat can rub off your tan before it sets.