
Primers That Work Wonders For Acne-Prone Skin

The Gloss

Dealing with acne and oily skin is one of the most frustrating and common beauty dilemmas, especially because it can make your makeup melt off in a heartbeat–even when it’s cold out. Fortunately, there are lots of products that can help decrease the greasiness of your skin, as well as prevent, treat, and/or cover up breakouts. For many folks with oily, acne-prone skin, primer is a real lifesaver!

While you might associate primers with thicker formulas you apply with your hands, there are plenty of sprayable ones that work wonders, as well. With this easy silicone-free primer, you don’t have to touch your skin at all (which is great considering just how many germs are on those fingers)–just a quick spritz and you’re good to go!

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