
Best Anti-Aging Beauty Resolutions of 2013

Every year, I make some kind of New Years resolution that rarely ever holds up – It’s always to eat healthier, drink less, work out more…You get the picture. Then, January 2 rolls around, it’s 8 degrees and all I want to do is not leave the house and devour pizza. This year, I’m making beauty resolutions that I intend on keeping. Since I’m about to be 28, I’ve been dealing with the infamous almost 30 crisis. Most people think that I’m a lot younger than I am, which I love, but I’d like to keep it that way – Especially once I hit the big 3-0. So, that’s why it’s important to keep my New Years resolutions – healthy, youthful skin doesn’t just happen over night. Like anything, it takes time and care. Here are some of the beauty resolutions I’m making for 2013. Follow mine or make some of your own for a more beautiful year.

1. Remove your makeup every night. This is a difficult one for me. I’ve always stressed the importance of removing your makeup at night, but it’s a lot easier said than done. I suggest using Neutrogena’s Makeup Removing sheets. If you keep a pack by your bed, and carry one in your purse for night’s out, you really have no excuse. Makeup is removed quickly and efficiently and the skin is kept hydrated. Not only is washing your face at night more work, it strips the skin of essential oils needed to hydrate, especially in the winter. You really should only wash your face once a day during winter months to prevent it from drying out. The Neutrogena Makeup removing sheets are great because they cleanse and moisturize the skin at the same time.

2. Use Bio oil, especially in the Winter. Bio‐Oil is a special moisturizing oil that smoothes and tones scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. It is also effective for aging and dehydrated skin. It has won 85 skincare awards since its global launch in 2002 as America’s #1 selling multi-use skincare oil. Apply it two times a day in a circular motion to keep the skin hydrated and reduce the signs of aging.

3. Add retinol into your skin care routine if you’re sick of using a different anti-aging product for every area of your face (crows feet, forehead wrinkles, smile lines – the list goes on), go out and snag yourself some Retinol. This ingredient Vitamin A rich solution packs a major anti-aging punch. It fights wrinkles, dark spots and dullness, while increasing collagen. Apply it all over the neck, on the forehead and under eyes to combat wrinkles and give you that healthy, ageless glow.

I’m committing to these three simple solutions to healthy skin for the year 2013. I’ve already started the New Year with a facial and have been doing all of the above on a daily basis. It’s really not that hard. Once you’ve got yourself a facial, you’ll feel the motivation to keep your skin healthy every day. Nothing is worse than clogged pores, dry skin and feeling like you’re getting wrinkles. But don’t think that just because you can’t change how old you are, you can change the appearance of it on your skin.

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