
11 Tips to Care for Your Skin in Winter

dry skin in winter

Are you looking for tips to help your skin retain its moisture? Here’s 11 of our best tips to keep your skin moist and comfortable all Winter long!

When the days start getting shorter, your body clock isn’t the only thing that gets thrown off. You might also notice tight skin, rough knuckles, and chapped lips. Winter is coming, and it’s going to wreak havoc on your whole body.

1) While Some Change is Good, too Much Change Can be Detrimental

You don’t need to scrap all of your products and start from scratch because the seasons changed. The most crucial thing is getting attuned with your own skin- how it reacts to varying products and environments. And then, you can slowly make changes that help your skin better adjust whenever the surroundings change. Another important step is being mindful of ingredients that might irritate your skin like retinoids, exfoliating acids, and vitamin C.

2) Don’t Skip SPF Just Because it’s Winter

We recommend that you never put away your sunblock, even in winter. Even though there is less UVB present during the colder months, levels of UVA (or UV-Ageing) are still high enough to cause skin damage. It’s best to use a sunscreen with a high UVA rating year-round, like Ladival, to prevent any issues. Because UVB is needed for vitamin D production and these levels can drop in winter, we suggest supplementing with oral vitamin D3 if you need to.

3) Professional Skin Treatments Can Help Too

Although we typically avoid harsh treatments like peels and lasers during the summer, winter is actually an ideal time for skin procedures. Since sunlight can cause undesired side effects (e.g., post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) it’s best to give your skin time to heal before the party season begins. Consider microneedling as a way to stimulate new collagen growth and achieve a healthy glow. Additionally, now is also a great opportunity to start laser hair removal treatments rather than waiting for summertime.

4) Don’t Forget to Keep hydrated

As the temperature begins to drop and you start using central heating more, your skin will inevitably become drier. To help combat this issue, it’s important that you keep yourself hydrated throughout the day by drinking lots of water or green tea instead of coffee. Additionally, make sure to use gentle cleansing methods so as not to damage your skin barrier which helps lock in moisture.

A good rule to follow is that if your skin feels tight after washing, the cleanser you’re using has probably disrupted your skin barrier. Skin should feel relaxed and hydrated after cleansing, so if you find yourself needing moisturizer right away, try a gentler cleanser next time.

5) If You Have Sensitive Skin, Pay Extra Attention to Your Skin

The winter season can be a nightmare for people with sensitive skin. The dry, cold air outside aggravates preexisting conditions and leads to increased discomfort. To help balance your skin’s condition during these harsh months, we recommend using a richer or more soothing moisturizer. At Skindinavia, we love Avène Tolerance Control Collection includes postbiotic D-Sensinose – an ingredient shown to calm irritable skin.

6) Swith Up Your daily skincare routine for Winter

If you find yourself having to moisturize during the day, it’s likely that your current skin routine needs some improvement. Try swapping out your lotion for a cream, and massage it into your skin for 30 seconds to get the most out of it. At-home treatments we like include Paula’s Choice, Hydrating Treatment Mask.

7) Pick the Best Night-Time Lotion For Your Skin

Embrace using a more occlusive, rich product to help maintain the skin barrier and prevent the need for prescribed treatments. Many products marketed as ‘recovery masks’ often contain great ingredients for moisturizing. Contrary to popular belief, petrolatum and mineral oils are actually beneficial for the skin. They act as an occlusive, meaning they lock in moisture and protect the skin from further damage. This gives the skin time to repair any existing damage or maintain its natural barrier function.

8) Book in For a Facial

The best way to achieve glowing skin year-round is by getting a professional facial about every month. why? Because it only takes your skin cells one month to go through an entire life cycle. So, regular facials will help maintain healthy and hydrated skin while also support your daily skincare routine.

9) Don’t Lick Sore Lips

If your lips are chapped, resist the urge to lick them! When you do this, you make the dryness worse and can cause what’s called ‘lick eczema.’ Make sure to stick with an effective ointment at all times instead – especially before eating or drinking. Some foods have irritating properties that will inflame already sore lips; tomatoes are a common example. And if you enjoy skiing as one of your winter hobbies, remember that our lips are just as susceptible as the rest of our skin when it comes to sunburn. Zinc oxide is a great physical sunscreen that will reflect UV rays away from both your face and lips—extra protection never hurt anyone! 

10) Protect Your Hands From Getting Chapped

With the colder weather, your hands are more likely to become chapped and sore. This is especially true for new moms who constantly wash their hands. To prevent this from happening, avoid using baby wipes as they often contain preservatives that trigger hand eczema. Dermol 500 is a great alternative to soap that is also mildly antibacterial – it comes in handy if you need to wash your hands frequently. At night, apply a rich layer of hand cream under cotton gloves before going to bed . After doing this consistently for several nights , you should see an improvement in the overall health of your skin barrier function .

11) Don’t Drink Yourself Dry

Alcohol not only dehydrates your skin and body, but also disturb sleep patterns which are essential for healthy skin. According to scientific research, alcohol consumption can result in worsened conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Don’t forget the golden rule: drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration!

Bonus Winter Skin MakeUp tips from Jim DeMarco!

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